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Bringing Youth LGBTQIA+ Topics and Concerns to the forefront of our schools, businesses and organizations.

our goals

In 2017, Natalie and Jason Snyder established the Good Choices Foundation because they believe that everyone should have access to resources that enable them to make good choices. This funding currently supports our Community Education and Outreach Coordinator position, enabling LYG to expand our reach to youth, while also creating community education and training resources. 

Our Outreach and Community Education programming supports individuals, communities, and organizations in effecting personal and organizational changes to build inclusive environments that recognize and promote the value of diversity. We work with these organizations to develop education and resources to assist with communicating, encouraging, and providing an enriching and safe environment for the QTBIPoC/LGBTQIA+ community. 

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As a part of the Kentuckiana community, we want our doors to be open to everyone and be a support for the entire LGBTQIA+ population. It’s about striking the balance of giving kids the opportunity to be themselves, but also teaching them how to take responsibility and give back.