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Louisville Youth Group, Inc.
417 East Broadway
Louisville, KY 40202

General Inquiries: (502) 430-2016
Programming Questions: Dial 1
(Dial your line or extension when you hear the auto-attendant)

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Work with us

Career Opportunities – Application Deadline November 27, 2023

Outreach Coordinator

Use these links to connect with different departments at LYG.

If you have Programming questions, check out our Programming Page.

If you have a question about fundraising for LYG or a donation, visit our Development Page

If you are interested in connecting with us about our Community Education and Outreach Training, GSTA Development Programming, or other Youth Outreach opportunities, please contact us through our Outreach page.

If you are interested in Mentoring, Volunteering, or Serving on our Board, look for applications on our Volunteer page.

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